University of Texas at Austin

Upcoming Event: Oden Institute Distinguished Lecture in Computational and Data Sciences

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Sebastian Reich, Professor, University of Potsdam

3:30 – 5PM
Thursday Jan 16, 2025

POB 2.302 (Avaya Auditorium) and Zoom



PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Dresden in 1991. Habilitation in Mathematics from Freie Universität Berlin in 1998. Lecturer at University of Surrey, Reader and Professor at Imperial College London, Professor at University of Potsdam since 2004. SIAM Dahlquist Prize in 2003. SIAM Fellow Class 2019. Speaker Collaborative Research Centre, SFB 1294, on Data Assimilation since 2017. EIC of SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification since 2021.


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Event information

3:30 – 5PM
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Location POB 2.302 (Avaya Auditorium) and Zoom
Hosted by Omar Ghattas