University of Texas at Austin

Past Event: Oden Institute Seminar

A quasilinear complexity algorithm for the numerical solution of the two-dimensional variable coefficient Helmholtz equation in the radially symmetric case - Note: Different Location

James Bremer, Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Davis

3:30 – 5PM
Thursday Oct 24, 2019

POB 4.304


Most algorithms for the numerical solution of the two-dimensional variable coefficient Helmholtz equation have running times which scale quadratically with the wavenumber k. I will describe a method which only applies in the case of a radially symmetric potential, but whose running time scales as O(k log(k) ) and which achieves accuracy consistent with the condition number of the operator being inverted. Bio Website:

Event information

3:30 – 5PM
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Location POB 4.304
Hosted by Per-Gunnar Martinsson