.. vim: syntax=rst .. include:: ../global.rst .. _faq-dropbox: ================= DropBox Questions ================= We currently do not support installation of dropbox on our workstations and strongly encourage the use of the web interface over the local installation. While Dropbox does encrypt transmissions to Dropbox servers, the cached copy on the client linked to a dropbox account is not secure. We have no control over the other clients linked to specific dropbox accounts and cannot be responsible for loss or compromise of data. UT does support Box or UTBox. There are Box sync clients available for most major OS's with the exception of Linux. Connecting via webdav is possible or simply use the web client. More information on Box is here: https://www.oden.utexas.edu/sysdocs/faq/utbox.html That being said, if you would like to use Dropbox on your machine without using the dropbox web interface, you can do the following for the OS X Oden Institute workstations: Installing Dropbox on OS X (Mac) ================================ Click on the following link to download the Dropbox disk image: https://www.dropbox.com/downloading?os=mac Next, navigate to the folder where the image was downloaded (default is ~/Downloads in your home directory) and open the Dropbox disk image (Dropbox x.x.x.dmg). Then drag the Dropbox application to /workspace and run it from there. When the application asks for admin login/password, just hit cancel.