.. vim: syntax=rst .. _encryption-data: =================== Data Classification =================== University data is classified into three categories. These classifications are outlined by ITS: https://security.utexas.edu/policies/data_classification As it pertains to the encryption policy, the relevant data category is "Category-I Data" What is Category-I data? ======================== Data that is protected by federal or state law or University of Texas rules and regulation is classified as "Category-I". Anything protected by HIPAA, FERPA, Sarbanes-Oxley, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, the Texas Identity Theft Enforcement and Protection Act, or University of Texas System Policies falls under this category. ITS has compiled an extensive list of examples of Category-I data: https://security.utexas.edu/policies/extended-cat-1 Some relevant excerpts from this list include: - Social Security Numbers - Grades (including test scores, assignments, and class grades) - Student financials, credit cards, bank accounts, wire transfers, payment history, financial aid/grants, student bills - Access device numbers (ISO number, building access code, etc.) - Employee personal financial information, including non-UT income level and sources - Biometric identifiers - User account passwords