.. vim: syntax=rst .. _user-contributed-macvnc: ========================================== how to mac vnc connection to maverick.tacc ========================================== hardware/software used for this guide MacOSX 10.5 Chicken of the VNC v2.0b4 maverick.tacc.utexas.edu qsub job scheduling system here is what i did. the starred items are the ones solving a place where i got stuck. 12a, the "Tight encoding" error is the main issue. it prevented me from seeing the the right combo of port/display values to make the connection, and there is nothing on google about that error. * make sure you have an acct on maverick, and you know the password * read the Maverick User Guide: http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/services/userguides/maverick/ reread the part about where the job runtime is 2hrs MAX, default ONE HOUR; SAVE OFTEN! * follow the directions to set your vnc password, get a vnc job running * cat vnc_server * cat vnc_displaynumber * open Chicken of the VNC on the (local) mac (these instructions use v2.0b4) * select Connection -> Open Connection * add a new server to the list ("+" at the bottom left) * in the "Display" field, type the number contained in the file vnc_displaynumber created by your maverick vnc graphics job, from steps 2-4. this step may not be necessary. * in the "Host" field, type the hostname AND port number from the contents of vnc_server. do not use two ":"s, as in the vnc_server file. note that adding a port disables the display field. this is okay, it already has a correct value, from step 8. * type the password you created in step 2 into the password field * click connect * possible errors: * "Tight encoding: bad subencoding value received." click okay click Connection -> Connection Profiles -> encodings DESELECT "Tight" encoding close the Profile Manager window try to connect again, as before * "Could not connect to server mav1.tacc.utexas.edu:0 Can't assign requested address: connect()" You probably used two colons * "Could not connect to server mav1.tacc.utexas.edu:11802 Connection refused: connect()" you put the port number in the display field